E-mail: woir-sochi@e-mail.ru
Business offer
I have some inventions: patent RU 2235041
patent RU 2236987
patent RU 42499
that give the opportunity to make the first ever known voyage around the world on the vessel that uses muscle power. Or to make another records. Or maybe you''d like to achieve other goals with it?
I am ready to bear ads of companies or individuals or even rename our ship after you and become a part of history because we''ll be the first!
I also offer co-ownership of inventions (ready to give the control share) to the one who sponsors the mentioned event
By doing this I advertise the investor and the inventions that he co-owns.
Main Opportunities
1. Promotion of intellectual property (using these inventions we can show the best speed of crossing the Atlantic on the boat using muscle power). When the efficiency of the inventions is shown, we can count on a higher demand to buy the patent.
2. Patent the inventions in a country with a high percentage of introduction and serious attitude for intellectual property (i.e. the USA).
3. Making new types of small-sized vessels, bikes etc.
4. Using the race or the travel as an advertising campaign (I can bear ads of a third company).
5. A show, team racing or traveling, discovery of a new sport, shooting a movie etc
. Despite a somewhat adventurous nature of this design, I can''t see the reasons why it can''t be made. I am ready to cross the Atlantic alone or, if I could afford it, around the world
Brief description of the inventions 1. ''Blade'': patent RU 2235041
Moving element of ship constructions.
The idea of the invention is in the fact that a flexible blade has idling that changes its work mode from pushing to cutting. Example: before the rowing screw was invented, there''d been the rowing wheel: its blades pushed water. Since the rowing screw (which cuts water with its blades) was invented, the rowing wheel became history due to a simple reason: efficiency of the cutting blade is much higher than that of the pushing blade. The invented blade starts every motion in cargo mode, gradually changes to high speed, then the direction of the cutting blade coincides with the motion of the vessel which explains its high efficiency. For example, the rowing screw can only work in one mode, cargo or high-speed, and the direction of its cutting blades never coincides with the motion of the vessel. Besides, the flexible blade, when cutting archlike, creates less whirls and, as a result, less energetic loss. The invention allows to create highly efficient mechanisms able to make oars usage history, to create all-new and more economic pendant and stationary engines. As the tests showed, the efficiency of the cutting blade is minimum 50% higher than that of the pushing blade of an oar.
. 2. ''Drive'': patent RU 2236987
Allows to use body mechanics to reach the maximum effect of an effort. Its work is based on 3 main principles used in martial arts:
A .Using the central line (line of force).
B .Economy of motions (no ''empty'' motions).
C .Effort transfer without losses (no vector of dividing forces).
Besides, the drive allows using different muscle groups and work in various poses: lying, sitting, standing.
Using these 2 inventions allows to become pioneers in this field, to turn the new page in history of sea traveling, to create small-size vessels using muscle power for long-distance sea voyages, a trainer preventing muscles from atrophy in a long voyage on a small ship, where such danger exists due to limited spaces. Unlike rowing boats, used before to cross oceans, the drive usage will allow to avoid monotonous motions and to use the muscle groups that not used or making less effect when rowing.
3. ''Pedal mechanism'': patent RU 42499
Allows to transfer the human force on the pedal to the leading flywheel without the vector of dividing forces. Offers the scheme of a bicycle with a permanently high twisting moment, and, as a result, high efficiency.
. Sincerely yours.
Nikolay Pervov .
Cell phone number: 8 903 448 81 30
Address: Russia, Krasnodar region, Sochi, 354000, Kurortny pr-t, 56/10, City Council of VOIR. To chairman V.V. Zhuravlyova for N.A. Pervov.
The mediator who finds the buyer of patent gets 10%.